a message to Latinos, thanks to Luis
In many ways you have already begun to answer the question you
ask. You ask, and what does the World Trade Center attack mean to Latino
Latino immigrants will continue to be seen as "chivos
expiatorios" or as scape-goats whenever economic, political or social
woes take place. This is no different. The important thing is to not
distinguish ourselves from our Arab sisters and brothers. Todos somos
igual. We are all the same, we must all be one. As you have heard plans
have already taken place to "beef up" the Mexican border. This is not
We must continue to speak out against injustice and against the
social order that validates "Who Wants to be a Millionaire?" (Money),
"Survivor" (Social Darwin's Survival of the Fittest) and a false
patriotism that seeks to silence voices of dissent.
The time has come to stand up amidst a deafening silence by the
corporate media to any forms of protest. We don't have to be for
violence, to be against the imperialism of this government. We don't have
to be for terrorism to be for freedom. People in southern Mexico,
Colombia, the mountains of Guatemala, Peru, Cuba and so many other
regions yearn to be free, but not the American way. Not everyone is a
"yanqui" fan. Some of us like the mets or even the dodgers. The dodgers
of media lies and corporate ties in order to survive.
Stay strong young brother and keep on, keepin' on.
cesar a. cruz